Transform your ESG Strategy

Gain detailed insights into your sustainability performance and drive impactful change across your business and supply chain

Impact of ESG & Sustainability Measurement Solutions

  • 150 Trusted by over 150 clients
  • 1,800 Suppliers
  • 95% Customer satisfaction rate
  • #1 Largest EDI survey in the UK

ESG & Sustainability Measurement


Analyse the impact of your supply chain with our Sustainability Tool. By leveraging our cloud-based platform, you can gain detailed insights into the sustainability performance of each supplier, allowing you to identify risks, enhance transparency, and drive improvements across your supply chain.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Gain Supply Chain Insights
  • Identify Supply Chain Risks
  • Enhance Transparency
  • Drive Supply Chain Improvements

Assess the environmental and social impacts of individual sites within your organisation. Our Sustainability Tool provides site-specific analysis, enabling you to monitor and measure sustainability performance at a granular level. This ensures that each location aligns with your overall ESG goals and contributes to your sustainability strategy. 

Book a FREE Demo
  • Monitor Site-Specific Performance
  • Align with ESG Goals
  • Measure Environmental Impact
  • Enhance Sustainability Strategy
bar chart

Measure and track your organisation’s ESG performance with precision. Our platform provides comprehensive reporting on key ESG metrics, enabling you to assess progress against targets and benchmarks. This detailed measurement supports informed decision-making and helps ensure that your business stays on course to meet its sustainability objectives. 

Book a FREE Demo
  • Track ESG Progress
  • Comprehensive ESG Reporting
  • Informed Decision-Making
  • Meet Sustainability Objectives
computer settings

Customise your sustainability measurement to align with your organisation’s unique goals and priorities. We offer tailored solutions that adapt to your specific needs, from developing custom reporting frameworks to creating actionable plans. Our consultation process ensures that the measurement tools and KPIs are perfectly suited to your business and supply chain.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Tailored Sustainability Solutions
  • Develop Custom Reporting
  • Actionable Sustainability Plans
  • Personalised Consultation

“The Carbon Calculator has supported Canary Wharf Group and others in the industry. As our supply chain adds data and apportions it to us, they can also do the same with other organisations they work with. We see the carbon calculator as a winning formula for all, it fosters greater collaboration and a shared vision within the built environment to reaching net zero emissions.”

Dylan John Sustainability Coordinator

“We have been able to measure carbon more consistently across their supply chain, leading to greater transparency and improved engagement in decarbonisation. For example, prior to using the Calculator, suppliers were using different methods for carbon measurement, leading to inconsistencies in data. The Carbon Calculator has allowed for a more standardised approach, making it easier to compare and track progress.”

Sarah Jolliffe Environmental Sustainability Business Partner

Why work with us?

Accurate Data & Compliance

Ensure your sustainability reports are compliant and audit-ready, using real data instead of estimates for reliable, high-quality reporting.

Actionable Insights

Leverage our platform’s data-driven insights to identify areas for improvement and drive impactful change across your organisation and supply chain.

Proven ESG Expertise

Rely on our extensive experience and proven track record in ESG, helping you meet your sustainability goals with transparency and accountability.

How does it work?

Consultation & Customisation

We begin by consulting with you to understand your needs and package our reporting solutions into something that works best for . Over 6-8 weeks, we develop a customised reporting framework and actionable plan.

Data Collection

Next, we facilitate data entry and upload into our system, engage stakeholders through notifications for data submission, and ensure compliance with reporting standards.

Data Aggregation

The platform then aggregates the collected data by various criteria, such as site, supplier, and sustainability theme, to provide a comprehensive overview.

Data Analysis & Measurement

Analyse your performance against targets, utilising performance dashboards with red, amber, green KPIs that highlight performance levels.


Generate detailed reports, export PDFs, and create standard action plans to communicate sustainability performance and metrics to key stakeholders.

Management & Improvement

Use these insights to make data-driven decision, implement actions and continuously improve your processes with support from our dedicated experts.

Collaborate on targets
Collect data
Analyse & aggregate
Report, repeat annually
Monitor and manage progress

Who we’ve helped

Book your discovery call
