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EDI Measurement Solutions

Effortlessly measure and enhance your EDI with our tailored solutions.

Impact of Effective EDI Measurement

  • #1 Largest EDI survey in UK is powered by our Sustainability Tool
  • 19% Diverse companies produce 19% more revenue due to innovation (Forbes)
  • 70% Diverse companies are 70% more likely to capture new markets (Harvard Business Review)
  • 50% Inclusion increases staff retention by 50% (Harvard Business Review)
  • 36% Top quartile ethnically diverse companies are 36% more profitable.
green office buildings (1)

Who we have helped

EDI Measurement Solutions

demographics graph

Leverage data to advance diversity and inclusion initiatives with our Company EDI Benchmarking solution. Collect, analyse, and benchmark EDI data against industry standards to enhance workplace culture and organisational performance.

Find out more
  • Enhanced Efficiency
  • Secure Data Handling
  • Insightful Analytics
  • Custom Reports
supplier diversity

Enhance diversity and accountability with our Supply Chain EDI Benchmarking solution. Collect and benchmark EDI data to promote transparency, strengthen stakeholder relationships, and drive competitive advantage.

Find out more
  • Automated Collection
  • Confidential Aggregation
  • Supplier Engagement
  • Actionable Insights
analytics dashboard

Strengthen your diversity strategy with our customised solutions. Tailored to align with your organisation’s diversity goals, our platform facilitates seamless reporting and analysis across all diversity initiatives, providing deep insights into workforce diversity.

Find out more
  • Custom Reporting
  • Detailed Insights
  • Strategic Alignment
  • Comprehensive Support
EDI (6)

Participate in the UK’s largest employee diversity survey to enhance diversity in the built environment. Get free insights, showcase EDI commitment, and strengthen your competitive advantage by comparing your performance to industry standards.

Find out more
  • Free Diversity Insights
  • Showcase EDI Commitment
  • Identify Improvement Areas
  • Meet Client Expectations

Why work with us?

Accurate Data & Compliance

Ensure your sustainability reports are compliant and audit-ready, using real data instead of estimates for reliable, high-quality reporting.

Actionable Insights

Leverage our platform’s data-driven insights to identify areas for improvement and drive impactful change across your organisation and supply chain.

Proven EDI Expertise

Rely on our extensive experience and proven track record in EDI, helping you meet your sustainability goals with transparency and accountability.

Book your discovery call
