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Lower Thames Crossing Achieves Gold Status Through Tailored Training Program

Discover how Action Sustainability developed and delivered a tailored training program to help Lower Thames Crossing achieve Gold Standard Carbon Literacy Organisation (CLO) status from the Carbon Literacy Project.

Carbon Literacy

The Task

Lower Thames Crossing set an aim to achieve Gold Standard Carbon Literacy Organisation (CLO) status from the Carbon Literacy Project. To do this, they needed to demonstrate a substantial commitment to developing a carbon literate workforce. We were tasked to create and deliver carbon training that meets the requirements of the standard, and to ensure the majority of LTC employees achieved full carbon literacy certification.

Our Approach

Action Sustainability developed and delivered a tailored training programme to upskill more than 200 Lower Thames Crossing employees in relation to climate science, ensuring they had a robust understanding of the causes and responses to climate change.

We gathered learner evidence for multiple groups to ensure the majority of each cohort achieved carbon literacy certification.


“Action Sustainability worked with us on an extensive training programme to help us become first major UK infrastructure project to be awarded Gold by the Carbon Literacy Project. Action Sustainability worked with LTC and the Carbon Literacy Project to develop an interactive training course that met the requirements of both parties. They delivered the training in an engaging and informative manner and then managed the process of submitting carbon pledges to the Carbon Literacy Project, providing attendees with feedback on their pledges, assisting with resubmissions and sending out certificates. Action Sustainability kept us up-to-date on progress throughout the project and were helpful and prompt in dealing with any queries we had.”

Lucy Hayes Net Zero Lead

Outcome & Benefits

Through this training programme, 240 employees at Lower Thames Crossing were accredited as carbon literate by the Carbon Literacy standard. These learners are now equipped with a robust understanding of how climate change affects them, both geographically and sectorally. Furthermore, they have acquired the skills to develop their own responses to lowering their carbon footprints.

Achieving this milestone enabled Lower Thames Crossing to meet one of the key criteria to achieve gold status and helped them become the first major UK infrastructure project to achieve this level after collectively completing over 2,500 hours of carbon training. This showcased their commitment to raising awareness of the implications of the carbon impacts, supporting a low carbon culture in the workplace and  maximising their workforce’s capacity to tackle climate change.