Sector Construction

Garland Improves Risk Mitigation Through Sustainability Strategy

Discover how Action Sustainability helped Garland UK understand what their biggest sustainability impacts are and how to mitigate them through the implementation of a sustainability strategy.

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The Task

Garland Company UK Limited provide high-performance waterproofing solutions for commercial, residential, industrial, and public sector assets.

They are a 100% employee owned business with highly trained roofing experts to support their clients with their waterproofing solutions, including: multi-layer modified bituminous systems, architectural metal, cold applied liquid coating and green roofing systems.

They wanted to understand what their biggest sustainability impacts are and how to mitigate them. There was a need to understand what Garland already do for sustainability and where they want to get to, drawing all aspects together in an overall sustainability strategy. Through Resource Futures, Garland commissioned Action Sustainability to develop their sustainability strategy.

The Action

The first phase of work was to discover Garland’s context, ambition and direction for sustainability, aligned to their vision and mission.

Action Sustainability undertook a desktop review of documents and benchmarked Garland against their competitors and clients, using publicly available information, producing a report on the findings and recommendations for improvement.

For the next phase of work, Action Sustainability facilitated a workshop with Garland’s senior internal stakeholders, to understand what the drivers for sustainability within the organisation currently are. Action Sustainability then facilitated a workshop with a wide range of internal colleagues from Garland, to discuss the priorities and ambition for their sustainability strategy.

The final phase of work was the development of Garland’s sustainability strategy, which includes their holistic sustainability vision and mission, alongside commitments and targets for key sustainability issues.

Alongside, an action plan was developed, which included tailored recommended steps for delivering their sustainability strategy, including: developing competence in key staff members; collecting data and measuring performance; and continually developing action plans to achieve targets.


“Action Sustainability delivered a clear strategy and roadmap, enabling our team to implement and facilitate the changes and improve staff understanding. They understood our business in great detail and made relevant recommendations throughout the project.”

Alex Priddle Head of Marketing

The Outcome, Benefits and Lessons Learnt

The project produced a strategy that is tailored to Garland’s activities and processes. Commitments, targets and objectives provide Garland with strategic direction and the ability to see how they are performing against their strategy.

By having a clear sustainability strategy, Garland are demonstrating to their clients and supply chain that they are serious about improving their sustainability performance.

The actions taken to deliver the strategy will support to upskill staff competence in the realm of sustainability, will integrate sustainability into their organisational goals and business-as-usual and will save cost through improved efficiencies, such as reducing carbon emissions and waste.