Sector Construction

E-learning Development – Green Construction Board

Discover how Action Sustainability’s e-learning modules enhanced understanding of carbon management for The staff of Green Construction Board.

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The Task

Through the British Standards Institute (BSI), The Green Construction Board (GCB) developed the PAS 2080 Standard for Carbon Management in Infrastructure and needed a way to disseminate learning about the Standard to the supply chain.

The Standard displays the importance of managing and reducing carbon across the construction industry in order to reach climate change goals and reduce cost.

The Action

With our reputation of producing over 70 e-learning modules for the Supply Chain Sustainability School, The GCB approached Action Sustainability to facilitate.

The existing modules form the bedrock of learning accessed by School members, and subsequently we have a wealth of experience and expertise in conveying complex issues to a diverse audience.

Initially, the Action Sustainability team was provided with a draft script. The script was transformed to a suitable to e-learning composition, with input from a subject matter steering group and our team’s own qualified carbon knowledge and expertise.

We then built in exercises and quizzes to test the user’s knowledge. Several creative elements were produced and curated in-house, including bespoke animations and filming of real-life case studies where PAS 2080 has been used successfully to manage carbon and costs.


“Action Sustainability’s experience and expert knowledge of how to articulate complicated topics into an accessible learning format was very much in evidence during this project.”

David Riley Member of GCB Infrastructure Working Group and Head of Carbon & Energy

The Outcome, Benefits and Lessons Learnt

The module has been published and is available through The Supply Chain Sustainability School and the Carbon Trust websites, and has been demonstrated at carbon conferences.

The module plays a crucial role in providing a wealth of detailed information to suppliers on carbon management, its importance, and tangible roles they can perform to reach industry climate change goals.

Action Sustainability delivered a valuable learning output, allowing the client and several interested parties to come together to achieve a common objective.