Canary wharf
Sector Construction

Canary Wharf Group accurately captures Scope 3 emissions with carbon calculator

Explore how Action Sustainability’s carbon calculator enabled Canary Wharf Group to transition away from estimating their scope 3 data to capturing actual data across all business streams.

Canary Wharf Group

The Task

Canary Wharf Group has set ambitious targets to reduce its environmental footprint, with a focus on tackling Scope 3 emissions within its supply chain. In order to do this, they recognised they needed a platform that would:

  • Be easily accessible for their supply chain
  • Accurately apportion data to the company
  • Be efficient for contractors to update as frequently as necessary

Through their partnership with the Supply Chain Sustainability School, CWG was introduced to the Carbon Calculator, which met their needs. They were then able to raise awareness of the carbon calculator and increase uptake through active engagement with suppliers at all levels via their Ambition into Action Summit and bespoke workshops.

The Sustainability Tool‘s Carbon Calculator has enabled CWG to transition from estimating their Scope 3 data to capturing actual data across all business streams in a consistent and accurate way. It has also empowered their supply chain to better understand their emissions.

The Action

CWG knew that capturing Scope 3 data for their organisation and supply chain would require a process that continuously informs and upskills. For this, they have focused on engaging their supply chain and internal stakeholders.

This has involved:

  • Educating their internal sustainability team via sessions with Action Sustainability on the benefits of the Calculator, enabling them to become advocates
  • Issuing letters to their supply chain detailing the company’s ambitions and how they could contribute
  • Running a series of internal and external workshops to upskill people on carbon, climate change, and the Carbon Calculator
  • Hosting a supply chain breakfast to engage suppliers with the Carbon Calculator and the Supply Chain Sustainability School

As a result of these efforts, CWG has achieved a high response rate. The company was thrilled to reach a milestone of over 100 members of their supply chain reporting in early 2023.

CWG aims to use data insights from the Carbon Calculator to drive change and innovation across their supply chains. This will involve implementing sustainable best practices such as alternative energy sources, local procurement and optimising transportation routes.

These insights will provide CWG with an accurate data source, and thus a greater understanding of embodied carbon in their supply chain. It will also allow them to recognise which of their suppliers need further engagement and support – for instance, through workshops and learning pathways via the Supply Chain Sustainability School.

Eventually, CWG hopes to educate their supply chain to the extent they become champions of sustainability and can share their knowledge and data with other organisations in the built environment industry.

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“The Carbon Calculator has supported Canary Wharf Group and others in the industry. As our supply chain adds data and apportions it to us, they can also do the same with other organisations they work with. We see the carbon calculator as a winning formula for all, it fosters greater collaboration and a shared vision within the built environment to reaching net zero emissions.”

Dylan John Sustainability Coordinator

The Outcome, Benefits and Lessons Learnt

CWG aims to use data insights from the Carbon Calculator to drive change and innovation across their supply chains. This will involve implementing sustainable best practices such as alternative energy sources, local procurement and optimising transportation routes.

These insights will provide CWG with an accurate data source, and thus a greater understanding of embodied carbon in their supply chain. It will also allow them to recognise which of their suppliers need further engagement and support – for instance, through workshops and learning pathways via the Supply Chain Sustainability School.

Eventually, CWG hopes to educate their supply chain to the extent they become champions of sustainability and can share their knowledge and data with other organisations in the built environment industry.