Sector Construction

Landsec Embeds Sustainable Procurment with Supply Chain Commitment

Discover how Action Sustainability’s Supply Chain Commitment helped Landsec embed sustainable procurement throughout their business, and align their supply chain with their sustainability commitments.



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The Task

Landsec are one of the leading real estate companies in the UK, with a £12 billion portfolio spanning 24 million sq. ft of well-connected retail, leisure, workspace, and residential hubs.

From the iconic Piccadilly Lights in the West End and the regeneration of London’s Victoria, to the creation of retail destinations at Westgate Oxford and Trinity Leeds, they own and manage some of the most successful and memorable real estate in the UK.

They wanted to develop a Supply Chain Commitment, embedding sustainable procurement throughout the business, allowing their supply chain to understand Landsec’s approach and aligning with their sustainability commitments.

The Action

The first phase of work was to discover Landsec’s context, ambition, and direction for their Supply Chain Commitment, aligned with their business processes. Action Sustainability undertook a desktop review of documents and benchmarked Landsec against their peers, using publicly available information, providing a report on the findings and recommendations for improvement.

For the next phase of work, Action Sustainability undertook a series of interviews, to gather perspectives and challenges to inform the development of the Supply Chain Commitment. Eighteen individuals (senior internal stakeholders and subject matter experts) from a variety of departments were engaged, with key themes and discussion points identified. A report was provided on the findings and recommendations for inclusion within the Supply Chain Commitment.

For the next phase of work, Action Sustainability facilitated a workshop with all interview individuals, to evaluate the key sustainable procurement policy options to establish the level of ambition for the Supply Chain Commitment.

Based off all of the findings, Landsec’s Supply Chain Commitment was drafted, revised, and finalised. Alongside, a sustainable procurement roadmap was developed, which included tailored recommended steps for effectively embedding their Supply Chain Commitment within their procurement processes.


“We set out on an ambitious timeline of activities to create and roll out our Supply Chain Commitment. We were keen to engage a large range of diverse stakeholders and create a best in class document that we truly felt proud of and all this was achieved by our close collaboration with Imogen and Shaun, we were guided faultlessly through the complex process and delivered against every objective – Thank you to Imogen & Shaun and the wider Action Sustainability Team.”

Kathryn Gillard Group Procurement Director

The Outcome, Benefits and Lessons Learnt

The project produced a Supply Chain Commitment tailored to Landsec’s activities, processes and supply chain. The commitments and detail within the Supply Chain Commitment provide Landsec’s supply chain with a clear understanding of how Landsec work and what is expected of their supply chain.

Landsec then branded the Supply Chain Commitment into their own style and communicated this out to their supply chain via a launch event, attended by suppliers and Action Sustainability. As part of Landsec’s approach, they also became Partners to the Supply Chain Sustainability School, allowing their supply chain to use the free sustainability learning resources and upskill themselves.

The actions taken to deliver the Supply Chain Commitment will support staff internally with structuring an effective sustainable procurement approach and it will integrate sustainable procurement into their organisational goals and business processes.