
Meet The Team: Hattie Webb

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Tell us your story – how did you end up joining Action Sustainability?

Ever since I studied Global Sustainable Development at University, I knew I wanted to work in sustainability, so I’m very grateful that’s the case!

I got my first sustainability engagement/advisory role at a sustainability certification body a few years ago, training clients on all things carbon and net zero. But I was ready to gain more experience in sustainability strategy and procurement. I was drawn to the variety of different projects that working at Action Sustainability offers.

What is a normal day at work for you?

As a consultant, my days are very varied. Reviewing e-learning drafts, delivering carbon training sessions, writing proposals for exciting new projects, researching and synthesizing new topics.

Why should businesses care about being more sustainable?

Other than the obvious (it’s the right thing to do), it just makes business sense. The reality is, the businesses that don’t prioritise sustainability, will be left behind. It’s not an optional add on anymore, it’s vital for profit growth, attracting and retaining talent, and future proofing.

What is your #1 tip for a business just starting out on their sustainability journey?

Measure! This has to be the starting point, you can’t manage what you don’t measure. Put processes in place to ensure you can collect robust and accurate data. That will hold you in good stead for future reporting. Start asap, and then you can focus on prioritising and solutions.

What would you say is the biggest challenge in the world of sustainability right now?

Confusion. There’s so much jargon out there, it can put people off trying altogether. I’m passionate about making sustainability in business simple and accessible. Knowledge is power after all!