
Meet The Team: Will Glover

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Tell us your story – how did you end up joining Action Sustainability?

I was working at an investment consultancy, focusing on ESG and sustainability, but I wanted to move away from the investment side of sustainability and into the business side. I felt I could make more of a difference on the company side of advising on sustainability strategies. Action Sustainability seemed like the perfect step up in my career in sustainability.

What is a normal day at work for you?

As a Consultant Researcher, a typical day comprises of me researching different topics depending on the project or piece of work I am currently involved with. I will also discuss with my team members on the project what we are focusing on and how the project is moving forward.

I finish my day with admin tasks such as replying to emails and sorting any queries that Partners may have with the Modern Slavery Group which I support on alongside my main role.

Why should businesses care about being more sustainable?

It’s crucial to surviving, both as a business and a human. Issues like climate change are already causing global concerns and will continue to do so unless we take drastic action. Therefore, businesses should not only care about these issues because they are having to adapt their business around them but also because they are having direct issues on their employees’ lives.

What is your #1 tip for a business just starting out on their sustainability journey?

Set your priorities. Do some research into what sustainability topics are most relevant to your business and align with your values. From there, you can decide on the next steps to address these whether that be internally or with external help.

What would you say is the biggest challenge in the world of sustainability right now?

Government legislation. Both globally and locally. A lot of companies don’t know how or don’t see the point in making progress within sustainability and need a push. Governments have the power to do this and ensure that companies are taking legitimate action towards becoming more sustainable, without greenwashing. However, I don’t feel there is nearly enough pressure from Governments on this and the challenge is making sure they do.

Interested in a free consultation with Will? Get in touch today.