
Driving Sustainable Excellence in Transport & Logistics

Empowering the Transport Sector with Innovative Sustainability Solutions for a Greener Future.

Transport Sustainability Facts

  • 15% The transport sector accounts for around 15% of total greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) emissions at a global level. (Source: Climate Foresite)
  • 40% Nearly 40% of businesses struggle to identify and reach ESG targets to improve supply chain (Source: EY)
  • 75% The transportation sector is the most significant contributor to logistics emissions, accounting for about 75% of the total. (Source: The International Chamber of Commerce)
  • 60% A 2023 survey found that 60% of logistics companies are investing in material handling green initiatives. (Source: World Economic Forum)
  • 85% of logistics companies have a waste reduction programme in place. (Source: Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals)

How we can help

Action Sustainability leads the way in revolutionising the transport sector through tailored sustainability solutions.

Our expertise empowers transport and logistics companies to navigate complex regulatory landscapes and achieve ambitious environmental, social, and governance (ESG) objectives.

By enhancing supply chain transparency, optimising logistics operations, and promoting eco-friendly practices, we enable organisations to forge a path towards a cleaner, more sustainable future.

Join us in shaping the future of transport through responsible and resilient practices that deliver lasting value to communities and the environment alike.

Transport – highway

Who we’ve helped

“The work achieved with Action Sustainability has helped us identify medium to high risk spend categories where modern slavery may occur and helped us in creating a tender process to help manage this risk. Through creative work and collaboration from both our teams, we are working to raise awareness amongst our colleagues of where modern slavery can occur so we can continue to tackle this issue both within the GLA Group and our supply chain”

Stuart Coates Responsible Procurement Manager

“Action Sustainability’s report provided very useful insights on utilising existing governance and resources to enable sustainable supply and a sustainable supply chain. We also received a detailed report on further support and things we could implement as quick wins in-house to bring our sustainable procurement and supply chain strategy to life.”

Ruchiie Sehdev Procurement Manager

Insights into Sustainable Practices