Supply Chain EDI Benchmark

Optimise your supply chain with advanced EDI benchmarking for improved transparency and diversity.


Enhance diversity and accountability with our Supply Chain EDI Benchmarking solution. Collect and benchmark EDI data to promote transparency, strengthen stakeholder relationships, and drive competitive advantage.

diverse team


demographics graph

Simplify the EDI data gathering process with our Sustainability Tool. Our Supply Chain EDI Benchmark solution automatically collects data from your suppliers, reducing the need for manual input and minimising errors. By automating data collection, you ensure a consistent, timely, and accurate flow of information, which saves valuable time and resources while enhancing overall data integrity.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Automated Data Collection
  • Reduce Manual Input
  • Consistent Information Flow
  • Resource Efficiency

Our platform employs advanced anonymisation techniques to protect the confidentiality of your supplier data. By aggregating data in a way that masks individual identities, we ensure that sensitive information remains secure while still providing valuable insights. This feature supports compliance with data protection regulations and drives trust among your suppliers.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Advanced Anonymisation
  • Data Aggregation
  • Secure Information
  • Build Supplier Trust
computer settings

Increase supplier participation and cooperation through our automated communication tools. The system simplifies the process of engaging with suppliers, encouraging them to report their data accurately and promptly. Automated reminders and streamlined interfaces ensure that your suppliers are consistently involved, which enhances the quality and completeness of the data collected.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Increase Supplier Participation
  • Simplified Engagement
  • Automated Reminders
  • Improved Data Quality
analytics dashboard

Access dynamic and interactive dashboards that provide clear visualisations of your EDI performance. Our tool highlights key trends and performance hotspots, allowing you to quickly identify areas that require attention or improvement. These actionable insights enable you to make informed decisions and prioritise your ESG initiatives effectively.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Dynamic Dashboards
  • Key Trends Highlighted
  • Identify Improvement Areas
  • Actionable Insights

Receive detailed, tailored reports that benchmark your supply chain’s EDI metrics against industry standards. Our custom reports offer comparative analysis, helping you understand how your performance measures up against peers and best practices. This feature provides a clear benchmark for setting goals and measuring progress over time.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Tailored Benchmarking Reports
  • Comparative Analysis
  • Clear Benchmarking
  • Performance Evaluation

Enhance your understanding of EDI metrics with our comprehensive educational resources. We offer webinars, guides, and other materials designed to improve your knowledge and implementation of diversity strategies. Our educational support ensures that you stay up to date with the latest trends and best practices in EDI.

Book a FREE Demo
  • Comprehensive Educational Resources
  • Improve Knowledge
  • Stay Up-to-Date
  • Support for Implementation

How does it work?

Identify Suppliers & Collect Data

Identify your target suppliers and invite them to complete the annual diversity survey.

Review & Benchmark Performance

The system aggregates and ranks your supplier diversity through a powerful dashboard that highlights performance hot spots whilst respecting confidentially and privacy.

Benefit from expert analysis

Our team benchmarks your supply chains performance, generating a custom report with an action plan

Report Progress & Repeat Annually

Conduct annual reviews to monitor progress and refine diversity initiatives.

Collaborate on targets
Collect data
Analyse & aggregate

Why work with us?

Comprehensive 3-in-1 Solutions

Benefit from our award-winning learning, technology, and advisory services, all designed to drive real, sustainable change across your organisation with streamlined and integrated solutions.

Data-Driven Insights

Our Sustainability Tool offers unparalleled, actionable data, empowering you to make informed decisions that drive substantial improvements in your sustainability performance.

Proven Expertise in Transparency

Leverage our tool to gain deep insights into supply chain sustainability, backed by our proven expertise, to identify and address risks and promote ethical practices throughout your network.


Who we’ve helped

Insights on diversity measurement

Discover the largest-ever UK employee diversity survey powered by our Sustainability Tool, analysing data from 340,000 individuals across major sectors. The report reveals key insights on gender, ethnicity, disability, and more, highlighting progress and ongoing challenges. Access comprehensive findings and benchmarks to drive diversity, equity, and inclusion in your organisation.

Book your discovery call
